MBE Strategy

Contracts Questions and Fairness

Here is a tip that I’ve learned with contracts: there is more of an element of fairness with MBE contracts questions than some of the other subjects. In property for example, adverse possession has never seemed that fair to me (at the end of the day aren’t you just kind of stealing someone else’s property?). …

3 Reminders for Bar Exam Day

“What did you find helpful when taking the bar exam?” is a question I’m never actually asked. But I’m going to tell you anyways, and perhaps you’ll find some of this beneficial. 1) Do Your Best to Relax I know this is easier said than done, but do your best to relax. At the end …

When A Little Common Sense Can Help

On the MBE exam there are concepts that are counterintuitive to me, and applying what I think is common sense will not necessarily lead me to the correct answer. However, you will also sometimes encounter scenarios on the MBE where simply using a little bit of common sense will help lead you to the correct …