Month: December 2021

Contracts Questions and Fairness

Here is a tip that I’ve learned with contracts: there is more of an element of fairness with MBE contracts questions than some of the other subjects. In property for example, adverse possession has never seemed that fair to me (at the end of the day aren’t you just kind of stealing someone else’s property?). …

Hearsay Made Simple

Hearsay can be a difficult topic for some students, but it’s very understandable once it clicks. If hearsay confuses you don’t worry; sooner or later there will be a light bulb moment when it suddenly just makes sense, so let’s try to help you get there quicker. What Is Hearsay? Hearsay is defined as an …

The Elements of Burglary

What is Burglary? Burglary is defined as the breaking and entering of the dwelling house of another at night with the intent to commit a felony therein. The question will often tell you that the jurisdiction has expanded the crime of burglary to include other types of buildings (such as offices or stores), or all …