Month: November 2021

When is Mistake a Valid Defense?

On an MBE question where mistake is the issue, we are either dealing with a unilateral mistake or a mutual mistake. Unilateral Mistake A unilateral mistake occurs when only one party is mistaken about a term (or terms) of the contract. Unilateral mistake is generally not a defense, and the mistaken party will be obligated …

Breaking Down Parol Evidence

The parol evidence rule might seem a little bit intimidating to some students, but with some practice it’s actually relatively straightforward. What is the Parol Evidence Rule? The parol evidence rule is about whether the parties to a written contract can bring in outside evidence of matters discussed prior to or during the time the …

3 Reminders for Bar Exam Day

“What did you find helpful when taking the bar exam?” is a question I’m never actually asked. But I’m going to tell you anyways, and perhaps you’ll find some of this beneficial. 1) Do Your Best to Relax I know this is easier said than done, but do your best to relax. At the end …